Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning



project description

The Erasmus+ PRINTeL is a three-year duration EU funded “Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education” project aimed at enhancing quality of teaching and learning at partner country (PC) universities in Armenia, Georgia and Belarus.

The main long-term goals of the project are:

  • Enhancing student learning experience in Armenia, Georgia and Belarus by promoting development and innovation in teaching and learning (T&L), supporting integration of technology and research, as well as disseminating good practice.
  • Modernising higher education in Armenia, Georgia and Belarus in line with the Bologna agenda and establishing cooperation in education and training between partner and EU countries by promoting virtual mobility of teachers and students, and enhancing lifelong learning capabilities.

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Tot Course at KU Leuven (Belgium) on open educational resources 15-17 october 2019

In the framework of the Erasmus+ PRINTeL project a three-day ToT course on The Development of Open Educational Resources was held between 15-17 October 2019 at the KU Leuven (Belgium). Up to 27 teachers from the universities of PRINTeL Project partner countries – Armenia, Georgia and Belarus –participated in this course.

The ToT course was aimed at introducing the participating teachers to Open Educational Resources (OER) and provided them with insights on what defines them, where to find them and how to use them in your educational practice. This was followed by a workshop with special emphasis on the development of OER and how to integrate them in innovative learning technologies to enhance collaborative and interactive learning. Based on this training and workshop all participants developed a knowledge clip using OER that was then recorded in a professional video studio.

The ToT course was organized at LIMEL (KU Leuven's educational video producer) and taught by experienced professionals like Prof. Van Petegem and Van Keer. A selection of field and multimedia experts completed the programme with their expertise on OER and their development.


MOre info on training website



    • What Open Educational Resources actually are and why their use should be stimulated
    • Where qualitative Open Educational Resources can be found and shared
    • How you can actually implement them in your educational practice and enhance your students' learning experience
    • How you can develop and share your own high-quality Open Educational Resources

They had a chance to

    • Meet field experts on the use and implementation of Open Educational Resources in the educational practice
    • Receive training from educational technology experts on the development of your own Open Educational Resources
    • Work in a professional video recording studio and create your own knowledge clip

Tot Course at KU Leuven (Belgium) on Active learning 12-16 november 2018

In the framework of the Erasmus+ PRINTeL project a five-day ToT course on Active Learning with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning was held between 12-16 November 2018 at the KU Leuven (Belgium). Up to 20 teachers from the universities of PRINTeL Project partner countries – Armenia, Georgia and Belarus –participated in this course.

The ToT course was aimed at introducing the participating teachers to the method of Active Learning with special emphasis on technology enhanced collaborative learning, which will enable the participants to use these innovative learning technologies for promoting interaction and collaboration in the teaching and learning environments in their home universities.  The ToT courses were organized at Agora Learning Centre and taught by experienced professionals like Prof. W. Van Petegem.

MOre info on training website



  • What active learning (and activation of students) actually means and why it should be stimulated
  • What collaborative learning comprises and why this improves the quality of the learning experience
  • How you can actually implement active and collaborative learning 
  • How technology could help you in achieving an enhanced learning experience


  • Teachers implementing active and/or collaborative learning
  • Students involved in active and/or collaborative learning
  • Support staff training on active and/or collaborative learning
  • Researchers studying about active learning